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Bizimle İletişime Geçin! Biz Sizi En Kısa Süre İçerisinde Arayalım.

Avrasya Batumi International University (ABU), a teaching university, was established in Batumi 2018. It aims to conduct teaching and research in architecture, civil engineering and law. ABU is well positioned in the local region, in the Republic of Georgia and aims to establish links with society, using European academic education traditions and standards, represented by European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process.
The newly founded ABU aims to continuously improve academic programs and continuously develop creative academic processes. It plans to support students’ professional training and takes care of their competitiveness in regional, national and international labor markets. It plans to be closely connected with the potential employers’ goals and their experiences.
ABU is going to promote research and development of new technologies, also at the international scientific level as well as mobility of students and academic staff.
The basic educational structural units of the university consist of two faculties, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering and later Faculty of Law. Since ABU is passing through the authorization process by National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) of Georgia, at the initial stage ABU plans to implement the undergraduate educational programs for architecture and civil engineering, and master’s educational program for architecture.
Batumi is of an excellent location on the Northeastern Black Sea cost where tourism and hotel and housing construction industries are highly developed. It is extremely convenient for university life, providing a fantastic combination of education and entertainment with international students.
We, as an ABU Family, hopefully expect the authorization process to be successfully completed and are impatiently waiting for the time when ABU embraces you. We thank you for your interest in our university in advance and send to you and your families our best wishes about your success in your educational life.
Prof. Dr. Ersan Bocutoğlu